Monday, March 17, 2008

my cat's box

As I was sipping (i.e chugging) my chardonnay at the Blue Monkey last night, my friend Mark called me a name. Insisting it was a compliment I made him slowly say and spell the word which I think I heard on that old Jimmy Kimmel game show with the eye drop guy.

"You're an anomaly"

I asked for clarification and since he was slowly getting drunker he was making less sense by the second...

"you're the only guy...umm...who enjoys other guys...but...isn't concerned with...umm...the state of his cat's box?"

of course. the litter box explains everything! NO, no it didn't.

So I turned to dictionary dot com because I don't really know many words, yet here I am.

They say:
1 : the angular distance of a planet from its perihelion as seen from the sun 2 : deviation from the common rule : irregularity 3 : something anomalous : something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified

And let it be said...if he ever fucking says anything at all about my angular perihelion again I swear I'll need a new hard rocker friend.


Anonymous said...


love, croupier

cranks and shutters said...

surprise buttsecks