Monday, September 22, 2008

A Hooker Wedding Part 1

The sun had set on The Old Knob Schoolhouse in Hooker, Arkansas. We had been to a very beautiful and very short (i.e: perfect) wedding at Ye Olde Hooker Church and were ready to continue our drinking.

We scoured the room for signs of delicious wine or "it'll have to do" beer but to no avail. When our flask started to run low our love for the bride and groom started to run dangerously high. Suddenly over the comforting sounds of a shotgun being fired repeatedly across the street we heard the back-fire of a pickup truck screeching around to the back of Old Knobby.

A kindly old grandmother lead us to the back and we were given four simple rules:
1) Beer must stay in the black plastic cups provided
2) Do not throw-up in or near the schoolhouse
3) Do not pee on the floor
4) Do not let the bride's father find out there is beer

In unison the five or so of us who were not 90 years old and asleep by 8pm yelled out a resounding "DEAL!".

In conclusion: It was the best homemade beer from a keg that I have ever drank from the back of a pickup truck behind an old schoolhouse in Hooker, Arkansas.

Stay tuned for more stories from this joyous weekend.

1 comment:

carolinelovesyoumore said...

please invite me next time. seriously. I promise not to pee on the floor.