My Top 15 Albums of the Year plus some other things!
Britney Spears- "Circus" (contender for worst cover of the year, seriously)
Was it that I'm just happy she's not throwing things at cars anymore? Nah. I just am not ashamed when I come across a really good pop record and this is a REALLY good pop record. It's more a Britney album than "Blackout" ever was (though that made #10 on my list last year) and it really only has one track that makes me want to throw it out the window ("My Baby"). Pop music gets a bad rap for some reason, but it's fun and you can dance to it and that makes for good music in my opinion.
David Byrne & Brian Eno- "Everything That Happens Will Happen Today"
This is probably #14 because I never got some alone time with this album but I got enough time with it to know that it is truly grand. David Byrne's songwriting is in top form and Brian Eno's production always adds a nice mix that doesn't overpower but makes it seem so organic that you hardly notice it. The saddest part of 2008 for me was missing David Byrne in Memphis.
ManPlus- "The Hungarian Suicide Songbook"
Seattle-based band that's pretty low on the radar even for indie status but if you're a fan of trippy power pop/punk that makes you dance and yell, then please check this band out. I've been a fan for awhile and this is their strongest album yet and the production values just keep getting better every time. I hear they're a knockout live too.
Sam Phillips- "Don't Do Anything"
I've always heard her name but never really checked out her music but I could not ignore the tons of positive reviews I kept reading about this album. There is not a bad song in this bunch. They are simple, mostly acoustic but somehow stay interesting and leave me wanting more once the album ends.
Terami Hirsch- "A Broke Machine"
If you know me, you know I've been a fan of Terami since the first release years and years ago. And with each release there's a new maturity in voice, confidence, production, songwriting, etc. etc. but I never thought I'd be so blown away as I was with this album. Terami took vocal lessons before recording the album and BOY does it show. Her vocals on the song "What I Didn't See" are so moving and so effective, they give me chills every time. She continues to amaze me.
Elbow- "Seldom Seen Kid"
This is my first "agreeing with the hype" album of my list. But I can't help it when the hype is right for once. When Elbow beat my new favorite artist out for the MERCURY PRIZE of 2008 I had to check them out. Their sound is fresh and the song "Grounds for Divorce" might be one of my faves of the year. Definitely one to check out.
Goldfrapp- "Seventh Tree"
This is the first album of Goldfrapp's I've ever listened to and from the very beginning of the kinda-creepy opening track "Clowns" I was hooked. And it just gets better with every track moving from melancholy to giddy to really really strange. Her voice is able to convey so much and it's something I haven't heard in a really long time from an artist.
Veda Hille- "This Riot Life"
From start to finish this is just a solid album with great songwriting, great musicians, amazing guests, and Veda's extreme awesomeness. Her past releases have been hit and miss but "This Riot Life" makes me so excited to see what else she's going to come up with. It's a very fun album!
Cyndi Lauper- "Bring Ya to the Brink"
Despite the title, this quickly became my favorite Cyndi Lauper album of all time. Fans have been waiting for Cyndi to embrace the dance/electronic craze that she's so perfect for and she did not disappoint (give or take the song "Lyfe"). Her single "into the nightlife" is probably one of the best dance songs I've heard in a really really long time...too bad she can't get a hit to save her life anymore. Cyndi proves she can still compete with the best of them (and win) and that she has one of the strongest voices in pop music history.
Rachael Yamagata- "elephants...teeth sinking in"
We waited too long for this album so good thing it didn't disappoint. Double albums can be tricky, especially a double album where the first album is filled with slow-piano driven songs about broken hearts and love. Luckily, that is Rachael's strong point and she delivers the best songs of her career. My only complaint is that the second disc, which is filled with songs with harder edges and a more rock approach, is too short. They are amazing songs with amazing lyrics, I hope we don't have to wait too long for the next release.
Conor Oberst- "Conor Oberst"
I will always love anything this man does but I love some more than others. I was highly disappointed with Bright Eyes' last album "Cassadaga" but after getting my hands on this more-varied album and seeing Conor in concert twice, I was sold on his awesomeness.
The Raconteurs- "Consolers of the Lonely"
Jack White is a prolific piece of rock god. But I wasn't sold on The Raconteurs with their first album and even on first listen of this album I threw it to the side and said "meh". Luckily, I picked it back up out of boredom (and because Jessica wouldn't stop talking about it) and fell in love with every track. Jack and company play off each other so well and luckily I got to see them live which is an experience! Love this album now.
Evangelicals- "The Evening Descends"
One of the most exciting/amazing live bands I've been able to experience this year. They mix their Flaming Lips/My Chemical Romance sound with their love for bad horror movies, loud noises, and the lead singer's AMAZING vocal range. If you find them coming to your town anytime soon be sure to check them out. This album took a minute to grow on me but it definitely did.
Aimee Mann- "@%$#! Smilers"
Aimee's always been a favorite of mine but she's been getting a little spotty on her releases. I am happy to say that this album is a masterpiece and Aimee is writing better songs and singing with more emotion than I've ever heard. Her vocals on "It's Over" are just flawlessly chill-worthy. Not a bad song on this album, she's one of the great songwriters of this century.
Laura Marling- "Alas I Cannot Swim"
It's been a REALLY long time since I've bought an album on a whim and been so immediatly attached to it as I did this one. Laura is only 18 years old and she's already writing songs that blow me away (she was also nominated for the MERCURY PRIZE that Elbow won). I checked my stats and I listened to this album four times more than anything this year so that's why it belongs on my #1.
Honorable Mentions:
P!nk-"Funhouse" (too many sappy ballads but when it's fun, it's great)
Santogold- s/t (Didn't have too much time with it but loved what I heard)
Jenny Lewis- "Acid Tongue" (a few great ones and too many blahs to make the list)
Beck- "Modern Guilt" (check out the song "Walls" if you check anything out)
The Pretenders- "Breakup the Concrete" (Chrissie Hynde is back in top form)
Amanda Palmer- "Who Killed Amanda Palmer?" (I don't like when she yells at me but she's very enchanting)
Donna Summer- "Crayons" (it's okay but for a woman trying to make a comeback the album sounds VERY modern and has a lot of catchy songs on it...Diana Ross should take note because Donna Summer is doing it right just not as good as Cyndi)
Disappointments of the Year:
Bloc Party- "Intimacy"
Martha Wainwright- "I Know You're Married But I've Got Feelings Too" (I've loved most of these songs live and she's a fave of mine but man, don't let your husband produce your album ever again please)
Ryan Adams & The Cardinals- "Cardinology"
Sarah Slean- "The Baroness" (Sarah goes all Sarah Mclachlan on us and doesn't even have a baby to blame)
of Montreal- whatever it was called
Cat Power- "Jukebox"
Concerts of the Year:
Over the Rhine
Conor Oberst
The Raconteurs
Songs of the Year:
"Falling Down"-Scarlett Johannson
"Hot N' Cold"- Katy Perry (sorry, it's catchy)
"Another Way to Die"- Alicia Keys and Jack White