Don't get me wrong. I would have. I TOTALLY would have. But I've done it so many times in the four years I've been at my job that I just don't think it would have any impact anymore, plus I think they might think I'm lying.
Excuse 1:
Me: "Can't come to work, I'm tired"
Them: "What? We're all tired"
Me: "Well, gays need more sleep and I'm gay"
Them: "Oh, k. Rest up."
Excuse 2:
Me: "Can't seem to find my dark denim jeans and they're the only ones that go with my light work t-shirt so I'm just going to stay home and alphabetize my Broadway bootlegs"
Them: "What? We all need to do that."
Me: "Well, gays have a different alphabet than you guys"
Them: "Oh, k. Good luck."
Excuse 3:
Me: "I'm sick, I don't think I can make it today"
Them: "Oh, are you okay?"
Me: "I think I might be gay"
Them: "Oh, k. You should probably see a doctor."
So, as you can tell I was stretching for excuses already and if I were to say "Umm I can't come in today because I don't think you guys can run this place without my gayness and I'm trying to prove that to you." then they may realize we don't actually have a different alphabet. I can't jeopardize that. Sorry guys.
i called in gay to stay in the hospital with my sick girlfriend. so don't worry about not calling in, because my excuse was hardcore gay enough for both of us.
(she's better now & back at home, btw.)
well grandma use to hate hype.
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